Baptiste Dutoit     French version here


Welcome to the cevedia page of Mr. Baptiste Dutoit. This site is not created by a professional but by a student who seeks to diversify in a way improve its range of skills in a practico-ludic way so please be lenient about the quality of the code. Obviously any resemblance to another online encyclopedia collaborative and free would be completely fortuitous. I wish you a good reading.

Current situation

Baptiste (Bernard) Dutoit, born May 18, 2003 in Marcq-en-Baroeul in France, is a french student educated at JUNIA HEI, a general french engineering school. Sensitive to current ecological issues and the development of new technologies, Baptiste has chosen to move towards an international option "Smart and Resilient Cities". This master's degree completely in English addresses the notions of intelligent development, in the fields of energy, mobility and new technologies, in the cities of tomorrow.

With a view to broadening his range of skills, Baptiste wishes to achieve a double diploma for his 5th year, an Engineering Diploma in Management option Finance and a Masters in Quantitative Finance with the IAE. To achieve this, he is looking for a work-study program for September 2024 lasting 12 months in the Lille metropolis.

Criterias Work-study search form
Contract type Professionalisation contract
Duration 12 months
Beginning date From September 1, 2024
Location Lille, France


Soft skills Technical skills Informatical skills





Energies vertes (photovoltaïque, nucléaire, éolienne...)
Thermodynamics/Heat transfer
Smart Management System/Smart Grid
Energetic transition

JavaFX development of a 'Mille Bornes', a 'Pendu', a 'Mastermind', a 'Monopoly and a football Quizz
Scenebuilder as graphic interface



Sense of relationship


Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Materials resistance
STEIP Project

Meteorological analysis project as part of the management of an urban site
Advanced formation in 'classes préparatoires MP'

Competition spirit

Strength of proposal

Data analysis
Application development
Embodied systems
Internet of Things
Pack office/SQL/VBA/PowerBI

Project presentations
League 1 teams data processing project
Certification PIX


Pressure management


Firm management
Project Management
Circular cities

Rehabilitation/construction projects
2D maps and plans creation
3D modeling
Environmental and parametric design

Baptiste Dutoit
Status                                                   Student
Current Formation               Hautes Etudes d'Ingénieur                                                            (JUNIA HEI)
Master option                        Smart And Resilient Cities
Diplomation year                                     2025
Nationality                                          drapeau fr France
Languages              drapeau fr French (native)

                                 drapeau en English (C1)

                                 drapeau all German (B2)

                                 drapeau esp Spanish (A2)
Diplomas          FCE Cambridge B2 (2020)

                          Scientific Baccalaureate (2020)

                          Goethe Institut B1 (2019)

                          'Brevet des Collèges'(2016)
Formation  HEI engineer cycle                         2022-

                    HEI classes préparatoires MP       2020-2022

                    Highschool Saint Adrien La Salle  2017-2020

                    Secondary school Jeanne d'Arc    2013-2017

                               +33 7 499 98 73 99


Professional experiences

  • Restauration employee, Hotel Colosseo, Europa-Park resort         Location: Rust, Germany         Date: May 2023 - July 2023 (2 months)

During the summer of 2023, from May to July, Baptiste embarked on a professional experience in total immersion in Germany as part of the International Break (IB) imposed by HEI. The IB is a period during which each student must go to work outside France in order to to gain professional experience, discover new cultures and change your way to see the world at the same time.

Determined to drastically improve his level in German, it is therefore quite natural that Baptiste chooses to direct his destination towards the homeland of thinkers and poets ("das Land der Dichter und Denker"), in other words Germany. After several months of research and numerous interviews, he will end up being hired for a period of 2 months in the most famous European amusement park, Europa-Park, and more precisely in a 4-star-superior hotel, the Hotel Colosseo.

Concerning the purely professional part, these schedules were mainly planned in the morning from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., 5 days a week. He took care of receiving clients of all nationalities, designating them a table and finally take their order. It was an excellent linguistic strengthening exercise for him.

For the extra-professional part, Baptiste lived alone in a tent in a border campsite on the other side of the Rhine, in Rhinau. In order to get to work at 7 a.m., he had to get up at 5:30 a.m. and cycle for an hour. Conditions far from ideal, of course, but nevertheless extremely formative for his future life; he repeated to himself all the time that to win without danger, we triumph without glory. He finally returned to France at the end of July 2023, having gained a wonderful experience.

europa europa
  • Worker in a pharmacy warehouse, Norcap SAS         Location: Roubaix, France         Date: July 2022 - August 2022 (1 month)

As part of a worker internship, Baptiste worked for 1 month in a warehouse storing pharmaceutical products. in order to acquire new professional experience as a worker to better understand the business world at all levels. His objective was to prepare orders for pharmacies, carry out stock inventories and clean the warehouse. A very educational experience which allowed him to discover the pharmaceutical field.

  • Cashier student job, Carrefour Market         Location: Hem, France         Date: August 2021 - June 2022 (10 months)

At the same time as my 2nd year of MP preparatory classes, Baptiste held the position of Cashier/Storekeeper as a student job. A tiring but strong period due to its pace and the lessons he was able to learn. Having the obligation to complete a worker internship, Baptiste broke his student contract to start a new experience.

  • Order picker, Chronodrive         Location: Croix, France         Date: June 2021 - July 2021 (1 month)

Baptiste's first professional experience was as an order preparer at Chrnonodrive, in the fresh produce section. A one-month experience which allowed him to discover the working world in a young and dynamic company. The adaptation was somewhat complicated due to his lack of experience and the pace imposed by the job of order preparer.

  • Observation internship, Ankama

Although it is not really professional experience and the majority of people are unaware or even forget the existence This observation course, for Baptiste, was a very memorable week. Ankama is an independent digital creation group specialized in the field of entertainment and essential in the world of video games, having notably produced the famous DOFUS game.

From the graphic development of the universe to the computer code of video games, all areas were presented to him. During this internship Baptiste fell in love with the field of IT development and application creation. It is not only that a few days later, he decided to start creating his own games.


Extra-professional experiences

  • Community life at JUNIA HEI (President P'heitanque - Secretary Winnie Whei - Vice-President Las'heir Game)

In addition to the level of training, what also makes the Grandes Écoles charming is their ability to create links and contacts. among the workers of tomorrow. This is why, during his studies at HEI, Baptiste was heavily involved in the associative life of his school.

He was first of all the Vice-President of the Las'heir Game association, which, as its name suggests, aims to organize Laser Game games. at advantageous prices between HEI students only. It is a small association (2 people) which therefore trains these 2 representatives in many areas such as communication, event organization and administration.

Subsequently, he joined Winnie Whei, the school's integration association, in which he held the position of secretary. He learned a lot there things concerning administration but above all will have had a super enriching experience.

Today Baptiste is the president of the P'heitanque association and is now applying his associative skills acquired over the last 3 years, particularly in terms of management and communication, to organize various sporting events and tournaments of this great ball sport.

  • Football Player/Coach (Villeneuve d'Ascq Métropole - JUNIA HEI)

Passionate about football, Baptiste started playing in clubs at the age of 5 (in the u6 category) at the Iris Club de Croix. In search of a higher level, he will leave this one to join Villeneuve d'Ascq Métropole in u10, which would later become his favorite club. His integration was quick and efficient since he was upgraded to a higher category in his first year and even obtained the captain's armband which he kept until he stopped playing club football to devote himself 100% to his studies. Subsequently, he will return to the field by joining team 1 of JUNIA HEI.

His role as captain brought him a lot of things, including taking responsibility at a very young age, communication skills on and in off the field and a sense of leadership.

In addition, playing at a relatively high level (Regional 2), allowed him to further develop his competitive spirit and his propensity to always want take up new challenges.

In parallel with his career as an amateur player, he will also try his hand at the role of coach by first being an educator of youth from his club at the time, children under 6 years old (u6) from Villeneuve d'Ascq Métropole, to then train the JUNIA HEI university team during the 2022-2023 season.

These stints as a coach gave him a broader vision from a footballing point of view, but also deep team management skills.

  • Citizen commitment

As part of his civic commitment, Baptiste has contributed significantly to various initiatives humanitarian and social. As a stretcher bearer during a pilgrimage to Lourdes in 2017, he provided help and support to sick and disabled people, thus demonstrating altruism and compassion towards others.

His active participation in religious cohabitation programs in Taizé testifies to his desire to promote interreligious dialogue. and mutual understanding within society.

In addition, Baptiste devoted time to helping the most deprived by welcoming the beneficiaries of Restos du Cœur, thus illustrating its commitment to the fight against poverty and its desire to contribute positively to his community.

Realized projects

  • Web developer for the TBRM hotel agency, Tunon Bordeaux

The TBRM agency is an agency represented by students from the hotel and luxury school, Tunon Bordeaux. During the 2024 Business Game, the TBRM agency was to present a project to implement 4 new Casa Barbara sites, peaceful villages to support seniors in their end of life.

It is therefore within the framework of a jury project presentation that the sales manager, Mattéo Dessenne, contacted Baptiste Dutoit in order to create, in parallel with his studies, a showcase site in the colors of Casa Barbara which highlights the different new sites and their associated activities.

It was a most enriching mission for Baptiste, since it allowed him to on the one hand to practice Web Development which he learned self-taught, and on the other hand to collaborate with students from another world, the world of hotels, luxury and tourism.

You can visit the site by clicking on this link.

  • Urban Studio, Urban site rehabilitation project

Project explanation


As part of his course at HEI, Baptiste must apply his skills acquired in town planning, energy and mobility by carrying out this rehabilitation project from the Edard site in Croix. This site was once a former textile industrial zone but is now largely abandoned. The objective of this project is therefore firstly to give back a second life for this historic site by taking into account the environment that surrounds it. However, certain constraints apply to this project. Indeed, this site must contain at least 4000 m² of offices, restaurants and other types of service, but also 215 housing units (76 social housing and 139 owner housing). The objective here is to create a multi-use site with a connection between residents and activities. As you can see in these photos and this QGIS map that he created, the site is located in the city center and the buildings around are mainly composed of red bricks. The advantage is that the location of this site already allows it to offer various activities and an easy connection to the metro and buses, on the other hand, the objective here will be to revitalize this site so that it impacts this aging area of Croix.


Proposed solutions


The project is being completed today and is called "Vies Croixées" in reference to the desire to bring together the inhabitants and workers of this site through the establishment of different activities (restaurants, gym and a cyber café equipped with an arcade room), public spaces (co-working and shared balconies) and exterior facilities (kiosk, lake and common gardens).

Concerning the constructions carried out, the site is being implemented, in compliance with the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU) 8 new buildings, some equipped with parking lots and underground spaces. As you can see on the AutoCad plans, they are oriented towards the south in order to exploit maximum natural solar resources (light and heat).

These buildings have a strong particularity within the framework of "Vies Croixées", it is an exterior glass facade like you can see it in the photo. It is a double skin which allows on the one hand to create a common space between the different inhabitants of a building, and on the other hand allows to improve thermal insulation and to better manage the brightness according to the position of the sun and the different orientations of the building.

  • Projects of Building Information Modeling (BIM)

In order to develop smarter cities, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is essential.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital modeling method that makes it possible to design, build and manage urban infrastructure in a collaborative and coordinated manner. By integrating geospatial data, material information, costs and performance, BIM provides a detailed and accurate virtual representation of a project, allowing those involved to better visualize and understand every aspect of the project.
< br>This approach promotes better coordination between the different stakeholders, reduces errors and construction costs, and allows more efficient management throughout the life cycle of an urban infrastructure.

In a context of smart and resilient cities, where sustainability, resource management and resilience to crises are essential, BIM becomes an essential tool for designing and managing more efficient and sustainable cities.

This is why in the Master "Smart and Resilient Cities", BIM courses are taught where students carry out 3D modeling with Revit/Autocad. These 2 different projects were carried out by Baptiste, with the help of plans provided by Professor Rania Wehbi.

  • The Threading House, Circular city project

The Threading House is a project which aims to develop a circular economy system for cities that want to be more resilient. This concept is oriented around textiles because today, people buy 60% more clothes than 15 years ago and we keep these clothes half as long. In addition, 95% of textile waste is recyclable!

The concept is simple: The Threading House is a boutique clothing repair which aims to encourage recycling, DIY and the circular economy. On the one hand, people wanting to repair their clothes can come and learn how to repair imperfections or even personalize their clothes. On the other hand, people can come and give us back those that they no longer like in exchange for reduction vouchers in partner stores. Then these clothes are sent by The Threading House to sorting centers which will pay us for this and will send these sorted textiles will serve as raw materials for factories manufacturing various objects based on recycled textiles which will in turn be sold in other stores. There The loop is closed thanks to this project from The Threading House. Do not hesitate to watch the video produced by Baptiste Dutoit. It would be also an opportunity to hear his wonderful french english accent.

  • STEIP Project (Scientific, Technological and Economic Integration Project), Design of an innovative Low-Tech rainwater recovery system

During their 3rd year at HEI, each student goes through the famous STEIP Project, a Scientific, Technological and Economic Integration Project during which the notions of project management are put to the test, obviously accompanied by various scientific skills. The particularity of this exercise is that it is based on an innovation which aims to be Low-tech around a predefined theme. Baptiste introduces himself as project manager around a theme of innovative rainwater recovery.

After intensive brainstorming, the main idea retained is to generate, using the fall rainwater, electricity. Baptiste and his group will develop their project to install tanks on the roof by putting their scientific skills into practice such as Resistance of Materials but above all skills in Project Management.

This project was an experience completely new for Baptiste, because having the responsibility of Project Manager, he had to carry out tasks which were unknown to him such as a Gantt planning, meeting reportsor even a mapping of the actors.

This experience will remain memorable for him, picking up along the way skills such as teamwork, project organization and leadership, essential for a project manager.
